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introducing adore cosmetics.

Adore Cosmetics has instituted an ingredient for better skincare known as the Queen of the Meadow: the meadowsweet extract. This herb, also known as Spiraea Ulmaria, is a traditional remedy due to its medicinal properties containing salicylic acid derivatives. Using soil-free cultivation in greenhouses and Plant Milking technology, our meadowsweet extract is derived from the roots of the living plant, accessing the richest part of the plants that are full of active ingredients. As a COSMOS-standard certified ingredient, our meadowsweet extract keeps the skin hydrated and helps skin cells to rejuvenate with a smoother look on the surface while simultaneously building a stronger barrier against wrinkles and other signs of premature aging.

With Plant Milking technology, labs are now able to “source the unsourceable” by extracting the plants’ nutrients in a sustainable, eco-friendly way that does not kill them. This is possible through aeroponics, the act of growing plants in an air or mist environment without the use of soil (soil-free cultivation). This leaves the roots exposed for their stimulation to improve molecular production. Through molecular root exudation, the nutrients are then able to be harvested from the living plant without having to kill it, leaving the plant to be replenished until the following cultivation period.


Adore Cosmetics has instituted an ingredient for better skincare known as the Queen of the Meadow: the meadowsweet extract. This herb, also known as Spiraea Ulmaria, is a traditional remedy due to its medicinal properties containing salicylic acid derivatives. Using soil-free cultivation in greenhouses and Plant Milking technology, our meadowsweet extract is derived from the roots of the living plant, accessing the richest part of the plants that are full of active ingredients.

As a COSMOS-standard certified ingredient, our meadowsweet extract keeps the skin hydrated and helps skin cells to rejuvenate with a smoother look on the surface while simultaneously building a stronger barrier against wrinkles and other signs of premature aging.


With Plant Milking technology, labs are now able to “source the unsourceable” by extracting the plants’ nutrients in a sustainable, eco-friendly way that does not kill them. This is possible through aeroponics, the act of growing plants in an air or mist environment without the use of soil (soil-free cultivation). This leaves the roots exposed for their stimulation to improve molecular production. Through molecular root exudation, the nutrients are then able to be harvested from the living plant without having to kill it, leaving the plant to be replenished until the following cultivation period.


We want to provide not just “feel good,” but “do good” skincare products. We do this by using a combination of naturally derived ingredients, the newest addition being our meadowsweet extract. This is to provide products that feel great when using them but also benefitting the skin in the short- and long-term aspects. Chemicals may increase the probability of developing skin allergies, irritations, and other side effects, which is why we always look for new and innovative solutions to scavenge the best ingredients for our cosmetics.

Adore Cosmetics represents innovation in anti-aging to bring you unsurpassed beauty at any age - and it's yours exclusively to adore.

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